The Moruga Scorpion Chocolate pepper was developed from the Trinidad Scorpion. Pods mature to a brilliant brown, slightly wrinkled in texture, a common characteristic with super hot chillies. The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion also comes in red and yellow varieties. Warning: Extremely hot! This killer chili pepper was declared world’s most hottest chilli in February 2012! It lost that title to Caroline Reaper which became world’s hottest chili in November 2013. The average number of Scoville Units in the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga is 1,2 million but some chili pods ecan measure 2,000,000 million Scoville Units. It is said that Chocolate variety is even hotter than the red and yellow variant. This is a extremely hot pepper!
Moruga Scorpion Chocolate
Species: Capsicum Chinense
SHU (Scoville Heat Rating): Est. 1 200 000
Flavour: Fruity and sweet, with smokey and earthy
Availability: 6 in stock
options | Small Seed Pack (10 seeds minimum), Medium Seed Pack (25 seeds minimum) |